
13th Age Second Edition | Storytelling Action Fantasy Game

Created by Pelgrane Press

The tabletop RPG incorporating the best parts of d20-rolling fantasy gaming with story-focused rules gets refreshed and modernized!

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New Pledge Tiers Are Up. Grab them while you can!
7 months ago – Sat, May 18, 2024 at 02:56:22 AM

Hello heroes!

As promised, new pledge tiers are up. You can find the details of the pledge tiers on both the story page of the campaign and also in Update #5.

One thing is different than what I initially announced: Due to work being done on the book constantly, a spot for another Balor Tier has opened up. So, the number of Balors will be 3 instead of 2. That's good news for those that want to influence the development of 13th Age 2nd Edition!

Let's not make this update a dry one and examine another art piece that's been shown partially in the campaign so far. These are a gang of Bugbear minions:

As a last note, I'll be having another update this week on things that we'll add to the Iron Golem and above tiers.

Be careful in your travels!